Saturday, August 31, 2019

Cultural Diversity in Organizations Essay

â€Å"Diversity† has arrived as a descriptive word for the American lifestyle in the modern world. With increasing immigration of people from many countries, many races, and many cultural backgrounds to the United States, the country has become a nest of diversity. Several factors shape the fact that the workforce is becoming increasingly culturally diverse: women represent an increasing percentage in organizations; the difference in age is becoming more evident on all levels; due to continuously changing demands organizations are employing more and more people with diverse professional and specialist backgrounds; there is a growing number of immigrants having different customs, religions and cultures and finally, the ongoing globalization is causing an influx of a large number of expatriates, who comes from various countries in the world, also contributing with different values and cultures. This increasing cultural diversity is both an opportunity and a challenge. Diversity brings with it a wide range of creativity and fresh thinking into the system. Diversity is here, in the population, in the workforce and in the marketplace. Racism, discrimination in the workplace, social stratification, and conflicts in social lifestyles are all negative byproducts of diversity. Thus cultural diversity in America is a highly debated issue because of the numerous problems arising due to it. One of the most serious and explosive issues in the United States today is meeting the business goals within an environment of multicultural diversity. When companies fail to create a culture of diversity and inclusion effectively, the costs can be high – costs arising due to ‘diversity training† and settlement of discrimination lawsuits. Many well-known companies have spent millions of dollars on â€Å"diversity training,† after settling discrimination lawsuits totaling hundreds of millions of dollars. Moreover, diversity also raises issues of interpersonal relations and communications among employees. This fact is underlined by increasing discrimination and class action lawsuits. Diversity impacts every person, every project, and every transaction in today’s business world. Some companies approach it in terms of the noticeable differences among people. What many fail to realize is that diversity is really about personal interaction and emotions, and creating a corporate culture that welcomes all kinds of differences. Managing Diversity: Managing diversity is all about approaching the issue proactively as a business opportunity. There needs to be a culture of diversity within the organization. One of the major obstacles in managing diversity is that many companies view diversity as a problem that needs to be solved. They just take a reactive approach. Supposing there is a lawsuit brought under the Equal Employment Opportunity Act, they just take an initiative that would solve the problem in the short run. Though this approach seems to be successful, in the long run, there is likely to be no impact on the corporate culture in a positive way. Such reactive approaches can negatively impact the workforce morale as they don’t appear to be a genuine commitment to diversity. The path to diversity is not always an easy one. One of the most common obstacles is resentment from white male managers who see diversity as threatening to them. â€Å"Since diversity is typically framed to be about white women and people of color, the focus is rarely on examining what it means to be white and male,† say Bill Proudman and Michael Welp, Partners at White Men as Full Diversity Partners LLC, a consulting firm based in Portland, Oregon. â€Å"White men, and sometimes others, thus conclude that diversity is not about them† (Goffney, 2005) Another obstacle that can arise in a multicultural business environment is resistance to change. When new diversity programs are introduced, it is essential that the employees view it as a genuine effort. Hence, these diversity programs should be tailored to meet the needs of the company’s workforce and integrated into the daily environment. Any diversity initiative should be tied to the company’s bottom line. Even though top management may make the commitment to diversity, if the initiative is not tied explicitly to the company’s bottom line, it does not become a priority for middle managers. The diversity initiative should be integrated into the tools and processes they use to manage employees, including orientation, training and education, and interpersonal communication. If not, existing employees will not accept the diversity initiative and new employees are likely to get disillusioned with a taste of it. Top management must ensure that the commitment to diversity has buy-in at all levels of the organization by making diversity an integral part of company success. Yet another obstacle to managing diversity is that the diversity initiatives might be restricted to training alone and is left as an ‘HR issue†. This narrow focus results relegation of diversity to a single department and companies thus miss out on opportunities to improve and integrate the diversity initiative into other areas of the company. Any corporate initiative should be feedback based, dynamic and flexible. Else, there is the danger that the initiative will remain static. Too often diversity initiatives begin and end with the first efforts undertaken. Diversity and inclusion are part of company culture, and like the culture, diversity must continue to evolve (Adams and Ruch, 2006). Managing all these obstacles require the ability to value a diverse world. This means there should be individual assessment of beliefs about work values. People from differing backgrounds having different experiences bring to work the biases and â€Å"veils† as well as the strengths that arise out of cultural differences. To work effectively with persons from diverse backgrounds, it is necessary to understand others– people from other racial, ethnic and cultural heritages, and people whose values, beliefs and experience are different. This involves learning to recognize when new competencies are needed, knowing how to develop the requisite new competencies, and implementing the competencies effectively. Companies need to assess their state of diversity: What is the state of diversity in our company? Are we making the most of diversity? Do we speak with one voice with respect to diversity? Companies that ask these questions on a continual basis, set strategic goals, measure their progress and evolve their programs in sync with their overall organizational change will be the ones to leverage the full potential of diversity (Adams and Ruch, 2006). Individual Reactions to Diversity: Diversity may be viewed positively or negatively depending on the individual reaction to diversity. In a culturally diverse workplace, there is likely to be prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination. This is because of self-fulfilling prophecies. The perceiver develops false belief about a person from a different cultural background. He then treats the person in a manner consistent with that false belief. Ultimately, the person responds to the treatment in such a way to confirm the originally false belief. Other negative reactions of individuals to diversity may include: tension among staff, distrust of anything new, gossip and rumor, open hostility or bullying, absenteeism, tarnishing of the agency’s reputation, low staff retention rates, lack of response to customers and falling standards of service quality (NSW, 2006). In the positive sense, diversity that brings with it community language skills and cultural competencies can be seen as valuable assets to an agency (MSASS, 2006). Customer service improves when employees are able to tackle customers from a range of backgrounds. When employees are encouraged to learn from one another, their skills and knowledge are also enhanced. Diversity can reduce skill shortages at specific times. In a business, diversity gives the advantage of utilizing the language, international expertise and cultural knowledge of staff to identify successful export opportunities. When employees are encouraged to work in their areas of strength and capability, they are happier, more productive and more likely to stay with the agency. Productive diversity is based on the concept that there are potential economic benefits to be gained from valuing different experience, perspectives, skills and the cross-transfer and integration of these into the agency and local economy. Productive diversity makes good business sense in an environment where local diversity and global interconnectedness play a critical economic role (Muhr, 2006). Diversity effects on groups and teams: In the context of working in groups or teams, diversity seems to cause contrasting goals, miscommunication or inter-group anxiety, thereby prohibiting teamwork creativity. Miscommunication and the lack of a common language make it difficult for team members to engage in an exchange of ideas and questions, an exchange, which is essential for effective teamwork (Nahapiet & Ghoshal, 1998). If individuals carry out negative stereotyping of outgroups it can prevent them from trusting and engaging with others and can threaten communication patterns within organizations. This is mainly due to a lack of common context and language usage. Anxiety in the team occurs when people identify themselves as placed among people belonging to different diversity categories. Thus, diversity will in this situation make it difficult for the individuals to identify with the team, since there is no unified perception of what values the team represents (Muhr, 2006). In a diverse work team, the values and perceptions of different diversity categories may be contrasting or even mutually exclusive, which is likely to bring about incongruence in goals. Incongruence in goals can limit communication, which is fundamental to the creation of interpersonal relationships and trust. Furthermore, goal incongruence may also prevent individuals from sharing and combining knowledge all together, if they are not able to reach agreement on common goals for pursuing such knowledge processes (Muhr, 2006). On the positive side, it has been shown that diversity in fact improves creativity by promoting variations, thinking out of the box and avoiding ‘groupthink’. Several analyses have shown that teams made up of people with different cultural and educational backgrounds, different personalities, different professional backgrounds and different skills are potentially more creative and innovative than relatively homogeneous teams. This is because diversity creates variations – variations in perceptions, values, ideas, opinions, and methods, which are highly essential for developing a stimulating creative environment (Mohr, 2006). Conclusion: In the global economy today, most companies operate globally. Diversity of thought, culture, geography, race, and gender enables companies to deliver the best solutions to their customers and markets. Diversity pays off both internally and externally. A company that embraces diversity can offer a challenging and creative work environment, and as a result, can attract and retain top talent with diverse backgrounds. There is also a connection between diversity and increased productivity. Diversity also fosters organizational creativity. But despite these benefits of diversity, work teams will not truly benefit from diversity unless sufficient communication, trust and openness are nurtured in the organizational climate. The powerful advantage of embracing diversity in organizations is best brought out by the words of Ted Childs, IBM’s vice president of global workforce diversity. In a recent issue of Fast Company magazine, in a feature article was entitled: â€Å"Difference is Power†, Ted Childs suggests that, â€Å"No matter who you are, you’re going to have to work with people who are different from you. You’re going to have to sell to people who are different from you, and buy from people who are different from you, and manage people who are different from you. This is how [companies] do business. If it’s (diversity) not your destination, you should get off the plane now† (Meisner, 2006). Bibliography: Adams, Brandon and Ruch, Will (2006). Diversity as a core business strategy. http://www. versantsolutions. com/knowledgecenter/EB_DiversityAsACoreBusinessStrategy2. pdf NSW (2006). What is Diversity? http://www. eeo. nsw. gov. au/diversity/whatis. htm Muhr, Louise Sara (2006). Openness to Diversity –Turning conflict into teamwork creativity. Paper submitted for the 10th International Workshop on Teamworking. http://www. mau. se/upload/IMER/Forskning/Diverse/Muhr%5B1%5D. pdf Nahapiet, J. , & Ghoshal, S. 1998. Social Capital, Intellectual Capital and the Organizational Advantage. Academy of Management Review, 23(2). MSASS (2006). Valuing a diverse World. http://msass. case. edu/downloads/academic/diverse. pdf Goffney, Phyllia (2005). Champions of Diversity. Essence. May 2005. http://www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m1264/is_1_36/ai_n13660850 Meisner, Lora (2006). The American Quilt – Workplace Diversity. http://career. thingamajob. com/general-career. aspx/The-American-Quilt-Workplace-Diversity. aspx

Onboarding: Employment and Business School Essay

Employee turnover can be expensive and time-consuming, so organizations need to know how to get the most from and retain the valuable new additions they make. According to recent research, the secret lies in promoting self-expression and encouraging newcomers to bring their unique values and perspectives to the job. Most importantly, this should be done from the first day through a process known as ‘onboarding’. This Idea offers some practical advice on managing the process. Idea Summary Here is how most employees’ first day on a new job goes: they are shown how things are done, introduced to the company’s environment and culture, and subtly told what a great organization they have just joined. Sound familiar? This is the onboarding process followed by many HR professionals, with the commonly-held belief that this it is important to ensure the organization’s values are understood and ingrained from day one. However, recent research suggests that these traditional methods have serious weaknesses, the biggest being the crushing of an individual’s unique identity as they are forced to accept the organization’s identity instead. The long-term problems of identity subordination have been explored by many psychologists and include loss of self-esteem, as authentic self-expression has been shown to be a key component of high self-esteem. As such, organizations should not want their employees to lose this component of their personalities, as it forces them to divert cognitive resources away from their work to coping with identity conflict instead. Fortunately, there is an alternative way to go about onboarding; researchers from London Business School, Harvard Business School and Kenan-Flagler Business School suggest that managers should encourage employees to use their signature strengths from the very beginning, on a daily basis. This can go a long way in improving employee retention and engagement, as newcomers develop a more positive view towards the organization and inject greater quality and purpose into their work. * Provide employees with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their new jobs * Increase productivity and employee retention by making personal connections and demonstrating your commitment * Introduce company policies, procedures, and culture * Ensure that employees quickly get up to speed on job skills and company culture Why is Onboarding Important? Having devoted the time and resources to compete for talent, â€Å"quick† turnover is costly. In fact, statistics show that employees are most vulnerable to leaving an organization for 18 months after they are hired. Making a good first impression is therefore crucial. Effective employee onboarding serves three interrelated purpose * First, it ensures that the employee feels welcome, comfortable, prepared, and supported. * These feelings increase the new hire’s ability to make an impact (be productive) within the organization, both immediately and over time. * Finally, employee success leads to satisfaction and retention, which allows the organization to continue to meet its mission. A well-designed onboarding program reduces costs, hastens time to productivity, and improves retention.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Internal Sanctions

One of John Stewart Mill’s focuses in his book Utilitarianism, is that utilitarianism has all the sanctions of other moral systems. Events or excuses that people accept as permission to continue with a choice. These sanctions derive from a wide spectrum of different approvals, usually built upon moral preference. Mill is able to categorize every human license into exist internal and external sanctions, and believes that it is possible to change your moral selection.External sanctions exist outside of the individual, independent of his mind. They may take the form of peer pressure, the fear of disapproval, or the fear of god. Internal sanctions stem from one’s conscience. These consist of feelings like discomfort or joy when one realizes the consequences of a decision. These feelings can influence actions, especially if one’s moral nature is particularly sophisticated. Internal sanctions often prove to be more powerful than any external sanctions because they do r equire more emotional attention.Because these forces are often based on individual morals and duty, there is no reason that they can’t be changed to support utilitarian principles. Some philosophers suggest that individuals are more likely to follow moral principles if the see them as object fact, rather than subjective feelings. Mill observes that regardless of what a person believes the root of a moral principle to be, his ultimate motivation is always subjective feeling. Mill focuses on if the feeling of duty is â€Å"innate or implanted,† mostly because this area is so confusing.To try and understand how both of these sanctions would affect choice, it could be explained as follows: If a religious leader, government professional or respected philosopher was to suggest to society that all our current morals were wrong and it was the purpose of humans to promote suffering among men, would society be able to change? People must be capable of internalizing this extraneo us command, and convince their conscience that it is morally acceptable. But could a person force his mind to accept such a drastic and dramatic change?Mill would way that is most definitely possible, especially for this example. People could easily be educated and socialized and develop the internal sanctions to promote suffering, but they would be artificial feelings. Since these emotions are not particularly a part of human nature or experience, the society would end up reacting more on external sanctions, with internal reactions. Sanctions are something we constantly unconsciously use to make decisions. Whether it is outside or inside forces that compel us to make a decision, our morals are the mold.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Importance of Iron to the Evolution of Civilization in Africa Essay

Importance of Iron to the Evolution of Civilization in Africa - Essay Example While paying attention to the Iron Age in Africa, this expose elucidates the important role of iron to the evolution of civilization in the continent of Africa. African used stones as tools to conduct their daily activities during the first Millennium (â€Å"Early Iron Age in Sub Saharan Africa,† n.d.). In this regard, the activities that they engaged in included hunting and gathering, which was the main source of livelihood for a majority of Africans. Therefore, there were no signs of metalwork in Africa in this millennium. However, the continent traces early signs of metalwork in Egypt during the fifth millennium (â€Å"Early Iron Age in Sub Saharan Africa,† n.d.). In this regard, the first metalwork witnessed in the continent was technology in copper work. Indeed, this innovation coincided with farming and agriculture in the Nile Valley, which is the earliest civilization in Africa (â€Å"Early Iron Age in Sub Saharan Africa,† n.d.). While copper was the first metal for Africans to work with, there are several standpoints regarding the origin of iron in Africa. Nevertheless, there is a common agreement that the first evidence for work related to iron was in the second millennium (â€Å"Early Iron Age in Sub Saharan Africa,† n.d.). According to archeological standpoints, iron traces its origin on two different perspectives. In the first perspective, archeologists identify the invention of iron by the indigenous Africans as the group that invented iron (â€Å"Early Iron Age in Sub Saharan Africa,† n.d.). Archeologists who support this position indicate that Africans invented iron smelting by borrowing from the techniques they used in copper smelting (â€Å"Early Iron Age in Sub Saharan Africa,† n.d.). On the other hand, a second group of archeologists traces the origin of iron in Africa from the surrounding continents and specifically the continent of Asia (â€Å"Early Iron Age in Sub Saharan Africa,† n.d.). In this regard, the archeologists who support this viewpoint indicate that smelting of iron diffused into the continent through Egypt. It is crucial to point out that Egypt is close to the countries in the Arabic area of the continent of Asia. In this case, Egypt received the technology and spread it to the rest of Africa. The interaction of the kingdom of Meroe with the Egyptians is a contributing factor in the spread of iron technology and its crucial role in the evolution of civilization. In this regard, the principal craft for the people of Meroe was using the iron technology to make iron tools (â€Å"Early Iron Age in Sub Saharan Africa,† n.d.). The tools previously used by the people of Meroe were not of superior quality, since the only technology before the use of iron was use of stones or copper. In this regard, iron provided the people of Meroe who engaged in farming and hunting with more superior tools (â€Å"Early Iron Age in Sub Saharan Africa,† n.d.). In effe ct, the new tools ensured that there was more production of food and hunting became more productive. In addition, these superior tools paved way for a stronger army amongst the Meroe since they now had superior tools. In addition, they could capture strong animals like the elephants, which they used during wars (â€Å"Early Iron Age in Sub Saharan Africa,† n.d.). Thus, iron was important to the evolution of civilization in Africa since there were inventions of superior tools used in farming and

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Quantitative Analysis of a Glucose Solution Essay

Quantitative Analysis of a Glucose Solution - Essay Example The coordinates (0.318, 0.2), (0.519, 0.4), and (0.755, 0.6) are plotted on a graph. The line of best fit cuts the absorbance of 0.250 at a point y. The y-reading of the point y gives the concentration of unknown solution. A line of best fit gives y=0.14. Thus the unknown concentration = 0.14mM. A straight line of best fit of the plotted points gives the standard curve upon which concentration of the substance in the solution is determined. The Blank cuvette is a tiny test tube with a diameter of about 12mm and length of 100mm that holds solutions containing all experimental constituents except the substance under investigation. In this case, the Blank cuvette contains all the other components other than the substance with absorbance of 0.250. The Blank is a cocktail containing specific concentrations of buffer, ABTS/HRP stock and glucose oxidese stock (Bongler, 2012) Quantitative test of glucose is useful in monitoring level of diabetes. Glucose is a major energy source for most body cells. Diabetes is manifested by hyperglycemia. Through quantitative test of glucose in the blood, health practitioners are able to determine the extent of inability of one’s body to produce insulin. Thus, quantitative tests of glucose helps nullify the chances of further diabetic complications. In constructing the standard curve, the line of best fit is used because it reflects the substance concentration-absorbance mean. It conveys the coordinates of the variables that best provide the approximate concentration of the substance under study. In the experiment, a point (0.250, y) gives the solution of concentration of glucose, where y=unknown glucose concentration. If the unknown sample had a reading that was too high and went off the scale despite doing all the measurements and procedure correctly, it is imperative to consider the count of readings that have gone off-scale. If the number of unreasonable readings is few, the investigator assumes them in

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Western civilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Western civilization - Essay Example Spain and France were both interested in seizing German territory so that they would gain wealth and protect themselves from each other. Sweden and Denmark also had territorial ambitions in Germany. The first part of the war was the Bohemian Revolt. This lasted from 1618 to 1620. It started when Protestants attacked Catholic dignitaries in the Second Defenestration of Prague. Spain entered the war on the side of the Catholics, and the Protestants were defeated at Sablat after early successes. Saxony joined the war on the Catholic side, and after the Battle of White Mountain, the Protestant Revolts were suppressed, and Bohemia became Catholic. The Catholics successfully advanced into the Palatine in the Palatine phase of this war. The rebellion seemed to be over. In 1625, Denmark intervened on the side of the Protestants. This was unsuccessful. In 1629, Denmark signed the Treaty of Lubeck and left the war. In 1630, Sweden entered the war to aid the Protestants. The Swedish forces, led by Gustavus Adolphus, were successful, and much of the territories that were lost to the Catholics were regained. However, after Adolphuss death, the Swedes were defeated, and the Peace of Prague was negotiated. This treaty forbade German states from forming alliances with each other, or with foreign powers. This treaty formalized some Spanish gains, and France then attacked the Hapsburgs to reduce their influence. The Swedes and the Dutch joined them. At first the Spanish were successful, but they finally suffered several major defeats, and the all of the nations involved in the war began to work for peace. In 1648, the Peace of Westphalia was signed, ending the War. The results of this treaty were that the Peace of Augsburg was to be seriously respected, and all Christians could practice their own type of denomination privately. Calvinsim was

Monday, August 26, 2019

Consumer Purchasing Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Consumer Purchasing Process - Essay Example The activities involved in the process include identifying and evaluating vendors, selecting specific products, placing orders, and resolving arising issues (Schneider, 2010). All these activities facilitate the acquisition process from either the supplier or producer. The purchasing process takes six steps which are need recognition; supplier identification and selection; contract negotiation; purchase order placement; purchase order follow-up; and order receipt and fulfillment (Li, 2007). Each of these steps involves several purchasing activities. In the first step of the purchasing process, a company identifies a need for a certain material. The step involves purchasing activities like identification of materials and their delivery time. It also involves quality, quantity, and attributes identification. The second step goes on to identify specific sellers or distributers for the materials identified in the first step. This step involves purchasing activities like price trend analy sis, supplier availability analysis, and market conditions analysis (Li, 2007). The third step involves negotiation of the terms and conditions of the purchase process thus opening sale. Upon agreement on the terms and conditions, a purchase order is placed. ... In the six steps, the purchaser receives the order and verifies both quality and quantity supplied. It is in this step where the sale is closed and the company gets ownership of the purchased materials. In most situations, purchasing process involves interaction between the purchasing personnel of a company and key account managers of the supplying company. The account managers should have skills like planning and marketing, relationship building, problem solving, negotiating, opportunity creating, organization, communication, and presenting skills (Cheverton, 1999). In some situations, the suppliers use global accounts management instead of key accounts management. These situations require the vendor company to be global and coordinated. Competences required for personnel in global accounts management is identical to the ones required in key account management. The reason for this is the similarity in the activities undertaken in each of the cases. Analysis Purchasing process involv es the purchasing company and the selling company. These companies have conflicting interests. Each of them tries to maximize benefits derived from a purchase while minimizing both risks and costs. Negotiations are always required in order to achieve these objectives. This indicates that the persons selected to represent a company in a purchasing process should have good negotiation skills. Negotiation skills are in line with communication skills and therefore, these persons need to have good communication skills as well. If persons representing a company lack negotiation skills, the other company may take advantage of the weakness in the purchasing process. Due to this, the weaker company may make loses while the other company

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Descriptive Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Descriptive Writing - Essay Example The description in the first paragraph suggests that a normal restaurant is greatly concerned about the satisfaction of the customers and the people on the staff always aims at pleasing the customer. On the basis of the description of such a good restaurant, Johnson builds his description of the â€Å"Lou’s Place† which, according to the writer, â€Å"isn’t that kind of a place.† (Johnson, para 2). Therefore, Beth Johnson has been effective in creating a picture of the coffee shop which is opposed to the normal restaurant and the writer also describes its proprietor and its customers. The thesis of Johnson’s essay is not directly stated, but it can be easily traced in the first part of the essay. Thus, the author argues that, unlike a normal restaurant which serves the interests and desires of the customers, â€Å"Lou’s Place† is not the kind of place which caters to the whims and wishes of its customers and it is a coffee shop where m ock abuse flows like a cup of spilled Folgers. The descriptions of the coffee shop in the third paragraph of the essay offer a profound awareness of the coffee shop in general. â€Å"At Lou’s Kosy Korner Koffee Shop, the mock abuse flows like a cup of spilled Folgers. Customers are yelled at, lectured, blamed, mocked, teased, and ignored. They pay for the privilege of pouring their coffee and scrambling their own eggs. As in a find but dysfunctional family, Lou displays his affection through criticism and insults, and his customers respond in kind.† (Johnson, para 3). The most essential aspect determining the success of Beth Johnson’s professional essay â€Å"Lou’s Place† is how effectively the author makes use of the techniques of descriptive writing in order to make the essay highly persuasive and credible to the readers. Thus, the author makes use of significant images to suggest the various factors concerning

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Plan for a Major Event Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

The Plan for a Major Event - Essay Example The event such as a short circuit or harm t the operator shock can take place, hence necessary guidelines in accordance with Labor Laws and Safety Policies will be adhered to. 2. Fire Safety – A likely fire hazard can occur due to any mishap in or outside the venue. Hence, as prescribed by Safety Regulations, besides the proper lighting of EXIT signs, there will be also fired extinguishers and directions to operate fire alarm incase of any mishap. A Questionnaire is designed to gather information about services and experiences in our case, the feedback provided by the delegates will enable Business Inc. Pty Ltd. to ensure that the quality of services are maintained and the suggestions and remarks will enable us to better future experiences and ensure that incase any discrepancies have been met with, the same does not arise in the future. 1. Front Office – Upon greeting the delegates and customers with a pleasing smile and available round the clock to assist in problems and special requests providing information ensures that the delegates are comfortable. 3. Food and Beverage – The Food and Beverage (F&B) Department ensures that your event is turned into an extravaganza. The F&B department is responsible in planning and executing all your food and beverage requirements, from tailoring menus to implementing catering ideas, maintaining hygiene according to International Standards and providing top notch service with a pleasing attitude to the guests. 4.Maintenance – Takes care of all your requirements like making sure the air-conditioning is functioning properly, provides assistance in case any electrical appliances like Projectors etc. need to be attached. Â  

Friday, August 23, 2019

Liberty and Government Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Liberty and Government - Term Paper Example But when it comes to good government, another fact about British government is that it is among the group of highest performing countries in the world. In order to analyze Britain with reverence to good government let us first point out the basic requirements that a government need to become a good government and that are: People who are elected or appointed should know their roles and job in order to maintain good accountability. Whereas, good people here mean to empower the front line who can administer well in political context and good process is better policy and law making. Trust between those who are governed and those who govern will maintain the good standards. Moreover outcome of the actions will prove that government was performing well. People being the majority have the right to opt, modify or eradicate their government which actually is the soul of democracy. It is though difficult for a government to take care of freedom of every individual as it some how can affect others emotions and one of the most sensitive matters is to make a policy to provide religious freedom to every individual especially in a religion that seize abundant sects like Christianity. After the revolution American puritans strove hard to create a pure church and a thoroughly Christian society. Puritanism is the most criticized religion in American history and their self righteous attitude was a cause of English civil war and American Revolution. Puritan basically was a name given to people who criticized or wished to purify the Church of England by Anglicans. Puritans were divided into two groups: Separating puritans Non separating puritans The basic difference between both groups is that one believe that Christians church of England is corrupt and puritan should separate themselves from it where as the other believe that they should not separate themselves but should reform the church respectively. John Winthrop was the member of puritan faction with in the established church of England and had given the suggestions to make colonies. He wanted to transform the world by making an ideal colony. As Winthrop believes that love is the most important element that binds the whole body together so he wanted to make a system where every body should respect and care for each other. Moreover Puritans no doubt have developed the improved education system of England. Apart from Winthrop there were some other important entities who believed that Puritanism should be practiced as a religion and those who did so are supporting devil. John Cotton was among such people. He was puritan minister and was of the same view that Winthrop was that is to become a "city upon the hill" Thomas Jefferson has criticized such thinking of Puritans and believes that no one can force any one to follow a particular

Analyze a major social, economic, military, and technological issue Essay

Analyze a major social, economic, military, and technological issue since the Civil War, trace its significance over time - Essay Example American diplomacy in the 1920s may be termed as subtle and a bit passive, but it was equally ambitious and effective in reality. American strategy in the years leading up to the annihilation of Pearl Harbor was in fact quite reactive to events which were happening on the European continent. In short, American isolationism was somewhat of a myth, though it remains a fact that American foreign policy during the 1920s and 1930s was hugely different from the aggressive US foreign policy what the contemporary global order witnesses (Braumoeller, p.1). The changes have occurred eventually and over time the role of African Americans in ending the segregation, discrimination and hence the isolation in order to reach the goals of civil rights and equality have been significant. The reality of American isolationism The actual notion of ‘American isolationism’ developed because the US authorities concentrated on building cottage industries to strengthen their domestic economic inf rastructure. This act sent a global message that the US authorities were trying to create a neo-socialist order. The reality was far from this. Cottage industry grew around the topic of American isolationism in the interwar era – so much so to facilitate that â€Å"isolationism† had become the average categorization of America’s foreign policy amid the two World Wars. ... Such assertions, both in textbooks and in the articles of some of the finest scholars, can be multiplied for an indefinite period (Braumoeller, pp.2-3). African Americans and the tale of struggle African Americans were the indomitable human beings who were brutally treaded by the whites into the American territory in 1619. Thus began their apathetic journey of struggle against intolerance, violence, and racial discrimination. The tradition of importing slaves came to halt in 1808. But that did not change the dire circumstances of the African people residing in nation that looked upon them as beasts embraced in a black nutcase. In 1857, the US Supreme Court decided to bar African slaves from entering or bringing a case into the court premises. The devastating situation of the African Americans took a turn with the introduction of the US Civil War which started in 1861. Abraham Lincoln took some revolutionary steps as the newly elected president of the United States. For most of the bl acks, liberation and the conclusion of the Civil War meant a revitalization of hope. A hope filled with economic prospect, social mobility, and political potential. Great white centric institutions like Tuskegee, Hampton, and Howard University were at the midpoint of a debate over what kind of training, education, and preparation African Americans required for paving their way into the world. Booker T. Washington became the orator on behalf of those who believed that industrial education skills training and vocational education were the greatest means for blacks to achieve economic progress and equality. Each and every women student at Tuskegee, for an instance, was

Thursday, August 22, 2019

African American In The 1920s Essay Example for Free

African American In The 1920s Essay The aspect of African-American Studies is key to the lives of African-Americans and those involved with the welfare of the race. African-American Studies is the systematic and critical study of the multidimensional aspects of Black thought and practice in their current and historical unfolding (Karenga, 21). African-American Studies exposes students to the experiences of African-American people and others of African descent. It allows the promotion and sharing of the African-American culture. However, the concept of African-American Studies, like many other studies that focus on a specific group, gender, and/or creed, poses problems. Therefore, African-American Studies must overcome the obstacles in order to improve the state of being for African-Americans. According to the book, Introduction to Black Studies, by Maulana Karenga, various core principles make of the basis of African-American Studies. Some of the core principles consist of 1)history, 2)religion, 3)sociology, 4)politics, and 5)economics. The core principles serve as the thematic glue which holds the core subjects together. The principles assist with the expression of the African-American Studies discipline (Karenga, 27). The core principle of history is primary factor of African-American Studies. History is the struggle and record of humans in the process of humanizing the world i. e. shaping it in their own image and interests (Karenga, 70). By studying history in African-American Studies, history is allowed to be reconstructed. Reconstruction is vital, for over time, African-American history has been misleading. Similarly, the reconstruction of African-American history demands intervention not only in the academic process to redefines and reestablishes the truth of Black History, but also intervention in the social process to reshape reality in African-American images and interests and thus, self-consciously make history (Karenga, 69). African American History or Black American History, a history of African-American people in the United States from their arrival in the Americas in the Fifteenth Century until the present day. In 1996, 33. 9 million Americans, about one out of every eight people in the United States, were African-American. Although African-American from the West Indies and other areas have migrated to the United States in the Twentieth Century, most African- Americans were born in the United States, and this has been true since the early Nineteenth Century. Until the mid-20th century, the African-American population was concentrated in the Southern states. Even today, nearly half of all African-Americans live in the South. African-Americans also make up a significant part of the population in most urban areas in the eastern United States and in some mid-western and western cities as well . Africans and their descendants have been a part of the story of the Americas at least since the late 1400s. As scouts, interpreters, navigators, and military men, African-Americans were among those who first encountered Native Americans. Beginning in the colonial period, African-Americans provided most of the labor on which European settlement, development, and wealth depended, especially after European wars and diseases decimated Native Americans (http://encarta. msn. com). Thus, history plays a role in the way African-Americans have shaped the world over time. The core concept of African-American religion has always played a vital roles in the African-American life since its beginnings in Africa. Religion is defined as thought, belief, and practice concerned with the transcendent and the ultimate questions of life (Karenga, 211). The vast majority of African Americans practice some form of Protestantism. Protestantisms relatively loose hierarchical structure, particularly in the Baptist and Methodist denominations, has allowed African Americans to create and maintain separate churches. Separate churches enabled blacks to take up positions of leadership denied to them in mainstream America. In addition to their religious role, African American churches traditionally provide political leadership and serve social welfare functions. The African Methodist Episcopal Church, the first nationwide black church in the United States, was founded by Protestant minister Richard Allen in Philadelphia in 1816. The largest African American religious denomination is the National Baptist Convention, U. S. A. , founded in 1895. A significant number of African Americans are Black Muslims. The most prominent Black Muslim group is the Nation of Islam, a religious organization founded by W. D. Fard and Elijiah Poole in 1935. Poole, who changed his name to Elijiah Muhammad, soon emerged as the leader of the Nation of Islam. Elijiah Muhammad established temples in Detroit, Chicago, and other northern cities. Today, Louis Farrakhan leads the Nation of Islam. A small number of African American Muslims worship independently of the Nation of Islam, as part of the mainstream Islamic tradition (http://encarta. msn. com). Presented with the fact that African-American religion is predominately Judeo-Christian, the tendency is to view it as white religion in black face. However, the rooting of the two religions varies due to the historical and social experiences (Karenga, 212). African-American over time has somewhat declined in its power. The church was once the sole basis of the community, especially to those in need. Today, this is speculated to be the link in the decline in the bonding of the African-American community. The core principle of African-American sociology integrates the various aspects and social reality from an African-American perspective. African-American sociology is defined as the critical study of the structure and functioning of the African-American community as a whole, as well as the various units and processes which compose and define it, and its relations with people and the forces external to it (Karenga, 269). African-American sociology involves the study of family, groups, institutions, views and values, relations of race, class and gender and related subjects. The African-American community, like other communities, is defined by the sharing of common space. Parts of its common space, however, are bounded areas of living, such as ghettos, which not only close African-Americans in the community, but simultaneously shuts them out from the access and opportunities available in the larger, predominately Caucasian society (Karenga, 302). The concept of isolation creates areas of poverty. Socially, isolation in ghettos prevents the cycle of diversity society, allowing prevailing stereotypes to surface. The immense concentration of African-Americans is a reason for disadvantages, such as joblessness, poverty, etc. Statistics suggest that the employment rate issue is an essential on among African-American women. The average rate of unemployment among African-American women in the 1980s was 16% and was higher for African-American men (Giddings, 350). Thus, the concept of diversity prevents African-Americans from thriving socially. The core concept of African-American politics can be defined as the art and process of gaining, maintaining and using power (Karenga, 311). The institution of politics has played a role in the African-American community since the 15th amendment was passed, allowing African-American men the right to vote (Constitution). In order to obtain political power, however, there are eight bases: 1) key positions in government 2) voting strength 3) community control 4) economic capacity 5) community organization 6) possession of critical knowledge 7) coalition and alliance and 8) coercive capacity. In order to attain these, African-Americans must unite, for unity strengthens weak groups (African-Americans) and increases the power of others (Caucasians) (Karenga, 363). Over time, African-Americans have made substantial strides in politics. Civil rights leader Jesse Jackson, who ran for the Democratic Partys presidential nomination in 1984 and 1988, brought exceptional support and force to African-American politics. In 1989, Virginia became the first state in U. S. history to elect an African- American governor, Douglas Wilder. In 1992, Carol Moseley-Braun of Illinois became the first African-American woman elected to the U. S. Senate. Today, Moseley-Braun is a candidate for the Presidency of the United States (Franklin, 612). There were 8,936 African-American office holders in the United States in 2000, showing a net increase of 7,467 since 1970. In 2001, there were 484 mayors and 38 members of Congress. The Congressional Black Caucus serves as a political alliance in Congress for issues relating to African- Americans. The appointment of African-Americans to high federal offices? including Colin Powell (chairman of the U. S. Armed Forces Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1989-1993; Secretary of State, 2001-present), Ron Brown (Secretary of Commerce, 1993-1996), and Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas? also demonstrates the increasing power of African-Americans in the political arena (http://encarta. msn. com). Despite the advances of African-Americans in the political scene, the rate of voting has immensely declined compared to 40 years ago. According to statistics, less than 20% of African-Americans between the ages of 18 and 24, the most vital voting age group, voted in the last 40 years (http://www. rockthevote. org ). African-American votings disappointing decline over time has become a setback in regards to power, for politics control most of the issues that concern society, such as healthcare, housing, and employment: issues that the African-American community are in need of improving. The core concept of economics is defined as the study and process of producing, distributing (or exchanging) and consuming goods and services. Economically, African-Americans have benefited from the advances made during the Civil Rights era. The racial disparity in poverty rates has narrowed to some extent. The African-American middle class has grown substantially. In 2000, 47% of African-Americans owned their homes. However, African-Americans are still underrepresented in government and employment. In 1999, median income of African American household was $27,910 compared to $44,366 of non-Hispanic Caucasians. Approximately one-fourth of the African-American population lives in poverty, a rate three times that of Caucasians. In 2000, 19. 1 % of the African-American population lived below poverty level as compared to 6. 9% of Caucasians population. The unemployment gap between African-Americans and Caucasians has grown. In 2000, the unemployment rate among African-Americans was almost twice the rate for Caucasians. The income gap between African-American and Caucasian families also continue to widen. Employed African-Americans earn only 77% of the wages of Caucasians in comparable jobs, down from 82% in 1975. In 2000, only 16. 6% of African-Americans 25 years and older earned bachelors or higher degrees in contrast to 28. 1% of Caucasians. Although rates of births to unwed mothers among both African-Americans and Caucasians have risen since the 1950s, the rate of such births among African-Americans is three times the rate of Caucasians (DeBose, 1). Thus, the state of African-American economics have flourished over time, yet remains in a state of improvement. Whether one talks about poverty, incomes, jobs, etc. , all imply and necessitate the concern with economics in the African-American community (Karenga, 355). Conclucively, the possibility of problems arising towards the discipline of African-American Studies are rooted in the birth of the discipline itself (Karenga, 476). The mission of the discipline, problematic administrators, and campus opposition are examples of obstacles that often attempt to prevent the missions of African-American Studies. However, African-American Studies has continued to defend its stance over time. Thus, as long as there is an African-American culture, the quest for knowledge in the African-American studies field will remain. Works Cited DeBose,Brian. Reclaiming the Mission. Nov. 2002 . Franklin, John Hope. From Slavery to Freedom. Nashville, TN: McGraw-Hill, 2000. Giddings, Paula. When and Where I Enter . New York:Perrenial, 1984. Karenga, Malauna. Introduction to Black Studies. Los Angeles: University of Sankore Press ? Third Edition, 2002. http://encarta. msn. com http://www. rockthevote. com.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Problem of Environmental Pollution

Problem of Environmental Pollution Environmental pollution â€Å"The sun, the moon and the stars would have disappeared long ago had they happened to be within the reach of predatory human hands.† (Havelock Ellis) We have stepped into the twenty first century, in this century; one of biggest problem faced so far is environmental pollution. Environmental pollution is the contamination caused by man made waste of air, water and land, which effect s or causes discomfort in the ecosystem of earth. Air pollution and water pollution are the most dangerous environmental pollution in earth. According to Havelock If humans could reach the sun, moon and stars they would have even polluted them. This essay will discuss the consequences of man made pollution to environment and its solution. The essential oxygen for our body is supplied by air. Human activities release substance into the air, which can cause many problems to human, animals and plants. Some of the effects of air pollution are reducing lung faction, Irritation of eyes, nose, mouth and throat, Asthma attacks, Respiratory symptoms such as coughing and wheezing, reduced energy levels, Headaches and dizziness, Disruption of reproductive and immune systems, Cardio problems, Cancer, Premature death.(Tropical rain forest According to many doctors these are some of the diseases that are spread by breathing polluted air. One of the major causes of air pollution is â€Å"Global Warming†. Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of earths surface. â€Å"The temperature of the earth is controlled by the balance between the input from the sun and the loss of this back into space†.(Maslin, p 4). Human activities have sent harmful gases to the space, which has resulted in to a whole in the ozone layer of the earth which protects the suns heat form reaching earth. â€Å"The gas carbon dioxide has been emitted into the atmosphere in increasing amounts over the past two hundred years and more substantially over the past fifty years. Every year these emissions currently add to the carbon already present in the atmosphere a further eight hundred thousand million tones.†(Houghton, p 13) One of the biggest global warming effects is polar ice cap melting. â€Å"According to national snow and ice data centre there are 5,773,000 cubic tones of water is available in the earth in the form of ice and snow. If all these ice and snow starts to meltdown in once, the sea level will rise up to two hundred and fifty feet higher† (Simmon 2007), which might cause natural disasters like tsunami, hurricane Katrina and etc. One of the other effects of air pollution is disease and premature deaths. As every one knows oxygen is an essential for a human or an animal to live. The factories, other building in the industrialized places and motor vehicles release harmful gas as waste; this gas gets mixed up with the natural air. When humans and animals breathe this unhealthy air they fall ill. If a pregnant mother breaths this air in can even cause death to her baby. These are some of the effects of air pollution. In this world one third is covered with water in the form of ocean, lakes, rivers and etc. â€Å"Water Pollution means, the contaminated water which cannot be used for any purpose† (Mc Kinney, p 408). The causes of water pollution are industrial waste, oil, radio active waste and marine dumping. When water is polluted in cannot be used for drinking, cannot be used for the crops by farmers and for other essential purposes. The effects of air pollution are diseases caused by drinking water, human and animal deaths and affecting the gene. Water is one of the basic needs of human and others lives. Human activity like dumping waste in oceans has polluted the water. All the forms of water are inter connected, when people dump plastic, papers, card board and other items which takes time to degrade, pollutes the whole water. One of the other water pollution effects is human and animal deaths. As every one knows human body and animal body is some of the greatest creations of god. We humans pollute dump all the waste in sea which will take time to dissolve. Due to the waste, chemical and toxic it poisons the water. When human and wild animals drink this water they fall sick then die mainly in developing countries. The other main effect of water pollution is effect on the genes. In many industrialized area all the factory waste and toxic are dumped in sea. The poor people who live around that area consume water from that sea which will be connected to rivers. When pregnant woman consume that water it directly affects the babys gene. When this baby is born there are many chances of this baby being born disabled or paralyzed. These are some of the effects of water pollution. Prevention is all ways better than cure. There is all ways prevention available for every possible disaster man had made to this earth. Firstly here are some of the prevention methods for air pollution. In our world one of the biggest industries that are growing is automobile industry. Do you know how much smoke is released in an average auto mobile? The answer is a lot. Because auto mobile has been an essential human need. To avoid the air pollution by auto mobile people should be advised to use public transport and government should encourage companies to produce electric car and other auto mobile which will not effect the environment. The other air pollution problem is the harmful gas released by factories. Best way to prevent this is to bring out laws to reduce factories that are releasing harmful gas or encourage them to use green methods for their factory activities which can bring out greener product to the society. â€Å"Legislation, such as the clean air act, helps to make sure that the main culprits of air pollution are properly regulated and mandatory laws are in place to ensure that air pollution prevention is taken seriously.†( One of the other ways to prevent air pollution is to bring out and implement laws that will help to reduce the usage products that will release harmful gas and pollute the air. Laws like maximum gas products a house hold can use, maximum auto mobile a family can have, and rewards for people who use green products that will help the environment should be brought to encourage the society to become green user. And finally a prevention method for air pollution is creating awareness among the people. You always remember to share you thoughts about air pollution with all the other people in your society, which might help to educate them about the air pollution and its effects to environment. These are some of the prevention methods of air pollution. Other set of prevention methods that can prevent environmental pollution is for the water pollution. The first method of preventing water pollution is using purified water. Consuming purified and healthy water is a very important activity for human and other living organism. In previous paragraphs the effects of using unhealthy or polluted water was explained. When you consume purified water you can avoid many of the diseases caused consuming by polluted water. Water is one of the best medicines naturally available on earth. We should all ways remember to use boiled and germs free water to drinking purpose. And one of the other problems of water pollution is the factories that releases waste into river or lake. In many factories their waste pipe is led to a river or lake which is located next to their factory. The government should fine these kinds of factories who are not following the safety rules that are set to protect public. These factories should all so be dislocated from the area In order to clean the waste dumped in to rivers. â€Å"One of the main reasons why water pollution is still such a threat to our planets health is because the governments of the world either choose to ignore the pollution that business is responsible for or because they want to give businesses ten years to change their industry.†( According to this article if government decided to shut down a factory they should give them ten years change their industry of the business which might lead to lose of a income to government. These are some the prevention methods for water pollution. In conclusion, there are two main environmental pollution available. One is air pollution and other one is water pollution. Mainly all this pollution is caused by man. As the result of mans activity now the human and other living organism are facing many difficulties. The earth is a beautiful place but he humans with out appreciating we are causing many discomfort to it, forgetting that what ever you do to earth we are the ones who is going to struggle out of it.â€Å"When we heal the earth, we heal ourselves.†(David). If we decide to clean the mess that we have made in the earth, the earth will be a better place. If Humans decided to continue these activities, in future none of us will be left to alive in the world. We could even change this world in to a dessert, which many of us wont like it. So we should act fast because after us there are many generations to come in to this world. Bibliography David Orr (Retrieved 20/11/09) Different Ideas for Prevention of Air Pollution (Retrieved 29/11/09) Havelock Ellis, The Dance of Life, 1923 (retrieved 20/11/09) John Houghton (2009), what is global warming. Global warming-the complete briefing (Page 13), New York, Cambridge university press. Mark Maslin (2004), the earths natural green house. Global Warming- a very short introduction,(page 4),New York, oxford university press. Micheal L.Mckinney,Robert M.Schoch, Logan Yonavjak, (2007) Water pollution. Environmental Science: Systems and solution, fourth edition (page 408), Sudbury, Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Pollution effects on human, animals, plants and the environment, 2008: (Retrieved 15/11/09) Simmon 2007, 5 deadliest effects of global warming: (Retrieved 14/11/09) Water pollution prevention, May 28, 2009 (Retrieved 29/11/09) Sakthivel Senthooran (SASED93)

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Health Care Ethical Legal Conflict: Case Study

Health Care Ethical Legal Conflict: Case Study Table of Contents (jump to) Introduction Choices in front of doctors Futuristic impact of the decisions in such situations Guidelines and code of conducts in medico-ethical conflicts Principals followed for such cases Implementation of guidelines and principals in current case Conclusion References 1. Introduction In the present case study there is an ethico-legal arise when doctors have to perform treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) by which Mr. Con is suffering but his son (who has the authority to decide on behalf of Mr. Con) is adamant on no treatment for COPD. An ethical concern is a condition or crisis that calls for an individual to choose among two alternatives. It is very important that the present day medical physicians have continuing ethico-legal education (Preston-Shoot, McKimm, Kong, Smith, 2011). Ethics is believed a standard of conduct and an idea of right and wrong beyond what the lawful consideration is in any particular situation. Moral assessments serve as a basis for ethical manner. Doctors have a legal responsibility to obey with the appropriate ethical and legal guidelines in their routine practice. Ignorance of regulation and its insinuations will be detrimental to the physician even though he takes care of the patient in good belief for the mitig ation of the patients pain. In the present case study we are discussing the case of Mr. Con, who was suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and now in condition that he cannot make his own decision. His son is representing his case about whether Mr. Con should give treatment for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or not. The whole discussion in this essay will be based on this kind of ethico-legal issue. 2. Choices in front of doctors In this case doctors do not have any choice other than legal option because all acts that are done in fine spirit may not stand legal testing. There are various ethical legal issues which can come forward if doctors refuse to consider the decision of Mr. Con’s son and treatment the COPD. As Mr. Con is suffering from multiple ailments so there are less chances that Mr. Con will survive. According to present condition, doctors can be framed for unauthorized treatment, and if proved then for murder also. With the rising figure of cases filed by hurt patients looking for legal remedy from physicians and medical organizations, it is no longer a subject of choice, but a context-driven lawful consent and requirement for the physicians to be acquainted with essential legal concerns involved in health practice. Professionalism is a subjective idea that refers to doctor performance in the place of work and within his area, and how it makes other public look at you (Doyal, 1999). Some actions that doctors would take in condition of Mr. Con can be ethical in the view of one group of experts might make look puny in the views of others. Considering the lawful and ethical consequences of doctor conduct will help to make a decision what heights of professionalism we want to uphold in different circumstances (Rogers Ballantyne, 2010). Medical ethics is a very important part of health practice, and following ethical rules is a vital part of your occupation. Ethics deals with common principles of correct and incorrect, as opposed to obligations of law. A professional is anticipated to act in ways that reveal society’s thoughts of right and wrong, even if such conduct is not imposed by law. Often, though, the law is based on ethical concerns. In the present case physicians should think to treat Mr. Con for COPD despite of consent of his son. Practicing suitable professional ethics has an optimistic impact on your repute and the accomplishment of your employer’s trade (Preston Shoot McKimm, 2011). Many medical associations, therefore, have generated guidelines for the adequate and preferred modes and behaviors, or decorum, of medical assistants and doctors. The codes of medical ethics have expanded over time. The Hippocratic pledge, in which medical scholars pledge to perform medicine morally, was developed in olden Greece. It is still used these days and is one of the bases of contemporary medical ethics. The Code of Ethics of the American association of medical assistants (AAMA) shall set 4th principles of ethical and moral manner as they relate to the health profession and the specific practice of medical supporting (Iqbal Hooper, 2013). 3. Guidelines and code of conducts in medico-ethical conflicts There are various guidelines which doctors should follow in the case similar to the present case of Mr. Con. The doctors must cautiously follow every state and federal practice rules and regulations while performing this treatment. They must follow the Code of Ethics for medical subordinates. It is an important part of their duty to avoid misconduct claim—court case by the Mr. Con’s son in opposition to the doctor for mistakes in cure. To perform efficiently as a medical subordinate, the doctor must pursue all OSHA guidelines for safety, risky equipment, and poisonous substances (Knight, Sleeth, Larson, Pahler, 2013). The place of treatment should meet quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) principles for all examinations, samples, and treatments. It is his accountability to follow HIPAA rules, to make sure Mr. Con confidentiality and privacy of his evidences, to entirely document patient management, and to maintain patient proofs in an arranged and readily available manner (Anthony, Appari, Johnson, 2014). In the present case of Mr. Con, physician should follow the risk management which can be described as a technique of reducing possibility of liability during institutional practices. 4. Principals followed for such cases If Mr. Con is able of providing knowledgeable consent, then his choice about cure, including non-treatment, should be considered. This is a customary plus enforceable legal standard and reliable with the ethical code of respecting the sovereignty of the patient.But in the present case, situation is totally different. Ethical methods work in a comparable mode to ethical codes, the exploit of which has obtained much consideration in recent times. There are significant limitations to the standards approach to ethics which relate evenly to ethical codes. The hypothesis is most remarkably described based on 4 codes: sovereignty, non-malfeasance, beneficence, and impartiality (Mason, Laurie, Smith, 2013). These principles are observed as one of 4 tiers in a ladder of levels of study necessary for ethical rationalization. At the 1st tier there are meticulous decisions which are necessary at the 2nd level by moral laws. These in turn are necessary at the 3rd level by principles, and codes a re lastly justified at the 4th level by more inclusive ethical hypothesis. Both, the method and applicability of principles have been tested, as well as protected as a regular structure for biomedical ethics. On the other hand, even their strongest enthusiasts do not see standards as a total or self-standing connotes of establishing moral practice. Beauchamp Childress clarify that: Principles direct us to acts, but we still require assessing a condition and formulating a suitable reply, and this evaluation and reaction flow from character guidance to the extent that from standards (Petersson et al., 2012). Gillon then called this: the 4 principles and scope mode of biomedical ethics† (Gillon, 2012). In the case of Mr. Con, doctor should follow these principals and plan the treatment. 5. Implementation of guidelines and principals in current case The content of common principles and regulations represents theories and worth’s that can locate the common ethical nature and approach for fitness care. Though, it is of small use in explaining personal ethical decisions. The insinuations for establishing ethical systems lie in recognizing their possible worth in describing the moral atmosphere and ethical approaches that are divided by health care employees. Regulations can also give clear sites for a few headline moral subjects for example euthanasia, but cannot give the convinced answers to a lot of ethical troubles encountered in the way of daily checkup practice. The purpose as to whether Mr. Con has theabilityto offer informed permission is generally an expert decision made and texted by the treating health care supplier. The provider can create a purpose of provisional or enduring inability, and that fortitude should be bonded to a particular verdict. The legal word competencymay be employed to explain a legal determin ation of supervisory capacity. The designation of a particularsubstitute choice makermay either be sanctioned by court regulations or is specified in condition statutes. 6. Conclusion If a court has decided that a patient is lacking ability, a health care giver must acquire informed permission from the court-agreed decision-maker. For instance, where a protector has been selected by the court in a responsibility act, a health care giver would look for the informed authority of the custodian, provided that the applicable court arrange covers individual or health care executive. From the whole discussion, we can conclude that, first the doctors should seek legal opinion and the according to options they should plan the treatment. Doctor should try to make Mr. Con’s understand about the consequences if Mr. Con will not treat for COPD soon. If his son still remains adamant then doctor should follow the court decision and do the treatment accordingly. Doctor should follow medical code and conduct but that should be in range of law. 7. References Anthony, D. L., Appari, A., Johnson, M. E. (2014). Institutionalizing HIPAA Compliance Organizations and Competing Logics in US Health Care. Journal of health and social behavior, 55(1), 108-124. Doyal, L. (1999). Ethico-legal dilemmas within general practice. General practice and ethics: Uncertainty and responsibility, 37. Gillon, R. (2012). When four principles are too many: a commentary. Journal of medical ethics, 38(4), 197-198. Iqbal, R., Hooper, C. R. (2013). Ethico-legal considerations of teaching. Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care Pain, 13(6), 203-207. Knight, J. L., Sleeth, D. K., Larson, R. R., Pahler, L. F. (2013). An analysis of OSHA inspections assessing contaminant exposures in general medical and surgical hospitals. Workplace health safety, 61(4), 153-160. Mason, K., Laurie, G., Smith, A. M. (2013). Mason and McCall Smiths law and medical ethics: Oxford University Press. Petersson, I., Lilja, M., Borell, L., Andersson-Svidn, G., Borell, L., Beauchamp, T. L., et al. (2012). To feel safe in everyday life at home: a study of older adults after home modifications. Ageing and Society, 32(5), 791. Preston-Shoot, M., McKimm, J., Kong, W. M., Smith, S. (2011). Readiness for legally literate medical practice? Student perceptions of their undergraduate medico-legal education. Journal of medical ethics, 37(10), 616-622. Preston-Shoot, M., McKimm, J. (2011). Towards effective outcomes in teaching, learning and assessment of law in medical education. Medical education, 45(4), 339-346. Rogers, W., Ballantyne, A. (2010). Towards a practical definition of professional behaviour. Journal of medical ethics, 36(4), 250-254.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Tecumsehs confederation Essays -- essays research papers

Tecumseh was a very significant Native American who gave his life for what he believed. He knew that the Americans were a tremendous threat to all Indian tribes, and realized that the Indians would be destroyed one by one if not united. Tecumseh created a confederation of thirty-two tribes in hopes that the Americans would recognize their borders and thus put a halt to westward expansion. His confederation may have succeeded if it were not for the mistakes made by his brother, Laulewasika, the Americans violent actions towards the Indian tribes, and the unwillingness of the different tribes to cooperate. Tecumseh was born in March of 1768. His real name was Tecumtha, which meant "panther lying in wait," but to the white men he was called Tecumseh which stood for "shooting star." His father was a Shawnee war chief named Puckeshinwa who was an intelligent man that saw the advantage of keeping friendly relations with the Americans (Patriot 137). When Tecumseh was a young boy, his father was shot by a group of settlers that were in the Shawnee's land. When his father did not come home, Tecumseh went out in search of him. When he found his father dying from the wound and learned what had happened he was filled with rage and animosity towards the white people (Patriot 140). Tecumseh was very young at the time of his father's death, so he was raised by his Mother and his brothers and sisters. His mother taught him to hate the Americans and never let him forget that they had killed his father. His oldest brother Chiksika taught him to be a warrior, and his sister told him to have respect for his elders and to respect all people. A Shawnee chief by the name of Blackfish also adopted Tecumseh into his family, and acted as a father figure. Blackfish saw the Americans as a threat and urged that they had to be stopped. Each of these peoples instilled in him different characteristics which played a large role in the rest of his life (Blodgett). When he was still young he wanted to stop the settlers from further moving into the Indians land, so himself and a group of Shawnee's made the Ohio River so hazardous that the traffic on the river almost completely stopped (Patriot 142). When he was visiting his sister in Ohio he met a young American girl named Rebecca Galloway. She taught Tecumseh to speak some English and helped him to learn to r... ...t tribes what had happened, blaming the Winnebagos for the loss. Groups of Indians attacked settlers in Indiana and Illinois to get back at the Americans. These attacks scared the Americans and soon they raised an army and attacked the individual tribes, and almost starting a war (Blodgett). Finally when the war of 1812 started between the Americans and the British assisted by the Indians, the hopes of a confederation were almost completely lost. Tecumseh, along with a couple of Indians joined the British army where he was placed at the rank of brigadier-general. But at the Battle of Themes on October 6, 1813 he was killed, forever destroying all hope of there being a Confederation of all the Indian tribes (Dictionary 1127). Tecumseh was a very courageous and honorable warrior who fought and died for his people. Tecumseh saw himself not as a Shawnee, but as an Indian, and knew that his people had no chance to survive if they were not united. His plan to combine all the different tribes under one confederation could have worked if there had not been so much opposition from the Americans.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Abortion: A Woman Must Have the Right to Choose Essay -- Abortion, Arg

Abortion - A Woman's Must Have the Right to choose    Abortion has been a long contested issue among Americans, and is one that nearly everyone holds an opinion on, myself being no exception. In my opinion, a woman's right to choose is imperative, important above all else. Like proven in Roe v. Wade, a woman's right to privacy - her right to choose whether or not to carry a child to term - is more important than the rights of the unborn.    Typical American rights - freedom of speech, rights to drive, vote, and drink, freedom to do and say what one wants - do not take effect until after an individual's birth. A fetus is not yet a human being; it is a mass of tissues and organs that has the potential to become a human being. The concepts of rights is based on th...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Goldeneye and computer

American cinema has changed as American culture has changed. This can be observed by focusing on genre movies produced during different time periods. A fantastic example is to analyze different James Bond movies. The James Bond franchise began with Sean Connery starring in the movie Dr. No in 1962 and is currently still very popular with Daniel Craig starring as James Bond, most recently in Casino Royale. There are some things that never change with James Bond, he always drives stylish cars, uses gadgets and gets the girl or girls.But stylistically the movies have changed as American culture has changed. An excellent example of this is by comparing From Russia with Love (1963) and Golden Eye (1995). Both plot lines deal with Russia and Soviet agents and involve travel to exotic locations. Many plot points are actually almost identical, Sean Connery seduces a Soviet defector and Pierce Brosnan has relations with a Soviet government worker. Both movies deal with finding or stopping an important device, the Lektor and the Golden Eye. Both films also contain unknown evil organizations, S.P. E. C. T. R. E. and Janus. (Broccoli, A. , 1963, Broccoli, B. , 1995) One of the largest differences is the roll of women. The females in Goldeneye are very active in the story line not only as love interests. Xenia Onatopp is the main assassin and second in command to Alec Trevelyan. Nataylia is a Russian computer programmer working with Goldeneye who first appears to be passive as she is the only innocent survivor from the massacre at her work. From Russia with love also has females but their actions are not on par with the men.Tatiana is a Soviet spy that eventually defects because she has fallen in love with Bond, but she doesn’t actually save Bond, her image is much more of the perception of woman from the mid 1900s. The woman was just beginning to become independent and self-reliant. During Goldeneye and the future modern Bond films woman can take care of themselves and they even save Bond! During the Bond era of For Russia with Love women were still very much eye-candy and caused trouble, they haven’t gotten to the point of saving Bond. (Broccoli, A. , 1963, Broccoli, B. , 1995)Do to the advancement of cinematography the stunts are bigger and louder and the gadgets are even more complex and cool. In For Russia with Love James Bond is looking for Lektor a cipher machine used by the Soviet’s. In Goldeneye Bond is trying to find the Goldeneye, a satellite system with killer capabilities. Pierce Brosnan manages to take out Russian buildings with a tank and a Russian armored train. This really is an example of how technology has developed and been incorporated into films.Computers play a large part of Goldeneye and computer usage had not become popular yet during the 1960s and is not featured in From Russia with Love. At the time of From Russia with Love a cipher machine would be very important, where as during Goldeneye space technol ogy has advanced and weapons threat has become very advanced. Bond and Tatiana do travel by train but it is a passenger train, no secret armored vehicle. The clothes, cars and music of the times are incorporated into the films.Despite the fact that Golden is supposed to take place in the mid 1980s the clothes, except for the uniforms are very modern from ten years or so in the future. During From Russia with Love the clothes are very mush from the 1960s and traditional of what one thinks of when they picture Russia. Large thick coats with fur collars, very Dr. Zhivago. (Broccoli, A. , 1963, Broccoli, B. , 1995) Even the quality of the picture and influence of new cameras has an effect on the style of film. Both films are good quality but the more modern films are sharper, you can almost see the influence and advances made using digital images.It is a fascinating time to watch the James Bond films in succession as you see how American culture influences almost all parts of the film e ven down to the costumes. The basic plot lines contain some very similar scenarios but the role of women, influence of technology and advancement of weapons make it possible to place the time period in which each movie was produced. References; Broccoli, A. , (producer), Young, T. , (director), From Russia with Love, USA, MGM, 1963 Broccoli, B. , (producer), Campbell, M. , (director), Goldeneye, USA, MGM, 1995

Cutlass Olds

It was purchased a family car, as well as a dally driver to and from work. It rolled off the line from the factory with a turquoise vinyl Interior, bucket seats, a center console, head rests, as well as air conditioning and other accessories. Many stories have been told from the adventures endeavored from behind the driver's seat of the car. Now however, its two tone Cameo White body, and Glade green hardtop remain to be covered In dirt and paw prints. The cutlass' heartbeat is a 250 horsepower â€Å"Rocket† 350 VI Chevrolet small block tutor, producing 355 lbs. F torque at 2600 Revolutions per Minute (RPM), with a compression ratio of 9:1 (Oldsmobile Informational). It is naturally aspirated with a two barrel carburetor and Is coupled with the optional Hydra-Metal 3-speed turbo 350 transmission, together producing a 10:8 horsepower to weight ratio (Horsham). From there, the power is transferred to the rear axle. This axle is a four-link live axle type, with 3. 23:1 gears inst alled. This gear ratio was the â€Å"all-round† preferred set to meet somewhere In the middle of top economy and maximum performance (Oldsmobile Informational).With all that â€Å"GO,† this car weighing in at 3650 lbs, (while full of gals needs lots of â€Å"WHOA. † It has drum brakes with self-adjusting dual master cylinders, and 9. 5†³ cast-alloy drums installed on all four corners to bring everything to a stop. The body Is Just shy of 202†³ In length, 76†³ wide, and is mounted on a 112†³ wheel base chassis (Oldsmobile Cutlass). It Is composed of K-braced front cross members and frame torque boxes, which allow for a lower body floor. The rear axle is Informational). This features large coil springs and double-action shock absorbers. The front suspension carries 56. Of the overall car weight (Oldsmobile Cutlass), and is a double wishbone (A frame) design with coil springs and dual action shocks as was for the rear axle. Perhaps one of the mo st common and well known automatic transmission ever produced was General Motors' Turbo 350. The Turbo 350 is a fully automatic transmission made up of a 3-element hydraulic torque converter and two planetary gear sets. The planetary gear sets are used in conjunction with four multiple-disc clutches, two roller clutches, and an intermediate overrun band to obtain proper fiction elements necessary (350 Turbo).Weighing in at 120 lbs. ND being 21 – %† long (Novak), this cast aluminum transmission is much larger than the manual style it replaced and was left unpainted. It is easily distinguishable by its oil pan which is chamfered on the rear passenger side corner, and its integral bell housing. It holds 5 quarts of automatic transmission fluid. They are also identified by the transmission model and code numbers stamped on the side of the servo. This identification will include a prefix code letter(s), followed by a 5, the year of production, and the serial number of the tr ansmission itself (Former).The transmission itself offers three driving SE selections labeled â€Å"D,† â€Å"S,† and â€Å"L. † Normal driving is achieved by selecting the â€Å"S† range. This allows the car to start in first, shift to second and third. As speed decreases, it will automatically shift back down and provide small engine braking. In the â€Å"L† range, the transmission is not allowed to shift into any gear except 1st. This is designed to receive the most power for pulling or for steep inclines and heavy engine braking. The last selection is â€Å"D,† named for the forced detent downshifts.In this range, the transmission can be downshifted from fourth to third and third to second within a select speed range. Reverse is equally as important and is achieved through the use of a friction clutch through adequate oil pressure. This friction clutch is unable to engage after a speed of MPH in the forward motion by a blocker piston to prevent accidentally selecting reverse will moving forward. By putting the transmission in park, the output shaft is locked to the transmission case via a parking pawl that grabs lugs on the backside of the reverse planet carrier.A detent prevents accidental movement into park while still moving in either direction (Former). The power flow in the transmission begins with the torque converter. It uses oil to hydraulically multiply torque when needed. It consists of three major elements, the converter pump, the turbine, and the stator. As the engine turns, it powers the pump, which works as a centrifugal style (much like a water pump) and flings hydraulic oil away from the center. As the oil begins to flow, it pushes on the turbine blades, the turbine is connected to the transmission, which then begins to have torque applied to it and spin as well.The fluid is then forced to change direction by the stator, which directs the fluid from the turbine back to the pump. This increases the e fficiency of he torque converter greatly. See Figure 1 . Figure 1 From the torque converter, the power is transferred to two gear sets in the transmission. Each gear set is made up of six major components, the sun gear (the main internal gear), four planetary gears, and an outside ring gear. Each one of these components can either be driven by the engine, or locked in place by a band clutch. Possibilities is what makes it possible for the transmission to shift.It is also equipped with one overrunning clutch. This is a one-way roller that allows engine braking to occur in first, second, and third gear. It achieves this by allowing the input shaft to spin faster, but never slower than the output shaft. Each of these actions are controlled by many different parts and materials working together. To begin is the valve body. This is the brain of the transmission, and ironically represents the looks of one. It is filled with many passages for oil to flow, each controlled by individual valv es. These valves may be controlled by many things, including the governor or manual linkages.The governor is attached to the output shaft of the transmission and senses the speed of the vehicle. As the speed increases, the governor weights egging to fly out, much like the governor setup of older tractor engines. As the weights fly out, the governor allows more oil to flow, as well as higher pressure. As certain pressures are reached, the valves in the valve body release, performing a function, such as releasing or contracting a band brake. See Figure 2. To begin in neutral, all clutches and overrun bands are released, allowing no power transfer from the torque converter to the output shaft.Oil flows from the pump to the regulator valve. When this pressure exceeds necessary line pressure, the excess is diverted to fill the converter. If the transmission is put into drive, or first gear, this engages the forward clutch set. It also locks the intermediate overrun roller clutch. The fro nt gear set receives clockwise power to the ring gear, while transmitting power via the sun gear to the rear unity, producing a converter torque ratio of approximately 2:25 at stall. The rear set receives power via the sun gear, and while the planetary gears are held, transmits the power to the ring gear.This produces The manual linkage directs line pressure to the Reverse, Neutral, and Drive ports, 2-3 shift line pressure is also increased to cushion when the next shift takes lace. The rear roller clutch freewheels in first gear and oil is directed to the gear set and is regulated by governor pressure. This pressure increases with vehicle speed, and acts as a cushion for the 1-2 shift valves. When the governor pressure reaches 46 Pounds per Square Inch (AS'), the oil pressure over powers the 1-2 valve spring which opens the valve.This shifts the transmission by directing drive oil to apply the intermediate clutch. The front gear set continues to receive power at the outer ring gear , however the inner sun gear is held, and the planetary gears provide the output power. This reduction ratio is approximately 1. 52 to 1. Everything else remains the same. This shift into second gear will happen between 42-49 MPH at full throttle, or 9-12 MPH at minimum throttle. As governor pressure continues to increase yet again, the 2-3 shift valve begins to become overpowered by the oil pressure.Once 77 SSI is reached, the direct clutch is engaged by the new oil, this shift is cushioned by the Reverse, Neutral, Drive oil pressure on the other side of the piston. At this point, the intermediate, direct, and forward clutch are now all engaged at once, and the overrun roller clutch is allowed to freewheel. Power is distributed to the front gear set through the sun gear drive shell and turn with a ratio of 1 . This shift into third gear typically happens between 70-79 MPH at full throttle, or approximately 20 MPH at minimum throttle.When reverse is engaged, the forward clutch is di sengaged, the direct clutch and low/reverse clutches are both engaged, and the intermediate roller allows oil pressure to enter the reverse valve circuit. Oil flows to the outer area of the direct clutch piston, to the outer area of the low and reverse clutch piston, and to both the 1-2 and 2-3 shift valves. It also acts on the reverse boost valve to increase line pressure to a maximum of 250 SSI at stall. This allows the vehicle to move in reverse by applying torque to the front gear sun gear drive shell and the sun gear.The reverse clutch is applied, which then prevents the carrier from turning. This reverses the rotation of the ring gear, causing reverse and a 1. 93:1 ratio. Much like manual transmissions, these turbo 350 transmissions are equipped with detente to hold each shift in place. Instead of the typical ball and spring, these detente act as valves to hold oil pressure on the downshift valves. These detente are activated by the downshift cable. Each of these valves (manua l control, shift, and detent), each act as a piston in a valve-less 2 stroke engine.As they move forward or back, they slowly open or close ports (or valves) for oil flow. See Figure 3. One of the only ways to check all of these functions in the transmission is to run a pressure test. With the brakes applied and the engine running at 1000 RPM, the SSI should be between 60-90 when in drive, between 85-150 SSI while in reverse, and between 55-70 SSI while in neutral. While in drive and the engine at idle, operating SSI should rest between 60 and 85 AS'. Other issues may be caused by worn clutches, bands, or shims. Correct input shaft end play should be between 0. 033†³ and . 064. Correcting this end play is done by adding or removing thrust washers located between the main oil pump and the direct clutch drum. Three thicknesses of pressure plates are used within the transmission. These are . 245†³-. 255†³, . 275†³-. 285†³, and . 305†³-. 315†³. A clear ance of 0. 010†³- 0. 080†³ should be obtained between the top faced plate and pressure plate. Each internal shaft is supported by bronze bushings. Each should be installed 0. 010†³ above flush (350 Turbo). After the power has exited the transmission through the output shaft, it has to transfer the torque to the axle, via a drive shaft.The drive shaft on the 1969 Oldsmobile Cutlass begins with a universal slip yoke that slides onto the output shaft of the transmission. This also doubles as a seal for the transmission tail housing and is installed with one once of lubrication and provided with a small vent hole on the back side of the slip yoke. The shaft itself is made of steel, and welded to cast iron yokes. The rear yoke is unique in the fact that it actually consists of a coupling yoke and two set of ball stud yokes. Each half of the yoke takes one half of the angle pitch.Whenever removing these ball stud Joints, be sure to reference disassembly of the connecting yo ke and both flanges to retain proper shaft balance. Each set of universal Joints have 25 roller bearings per cap, and have external retaining rings which hold them in place on the internal side of the yoke. The coupling yoke has two sets of ball yokes for the C. V. Joint. These are also held by retainer clips. Once the propeller shaft is installed in the car, it must meet runabout specifications. Being measured at 5†³ from the front weld, in the center of the shaft, and at 2†³ from the rear led, the shaft must be equal to or less than 0. 24†³ of runabout. Flange runabout must not exceed 0. 008†³ Transmission angle should be set at % degrees, and shims should be added or removed to obtain proper setting. Differential nose angle should be set at 10 % degrees, and is corrected by adding or removing shims at the axle. CAUTION: The four point live axle is driven from the propeller type drive shaft. This axle allows the engine torque to be transmitted into a perpendicu lar direction. This Cutlass is equipped with A 10 bolt differential (referring to the number of bolts in the differential cover) and 3. 3:1 gears.It is easily spotted by the ribs on the side of the housing and is commonly known as a â€Å"P† style rear axle. The pinion gear stem is 1. 625†³ in diameter and uses 30 spines to connect to the yoke of the drive shaft and drives an 8. 5†³ ring gear. The ring gear itself has 42 teeth, and the pinion has 13 in total (Former). Each axle is machined with 28 spines and use two sealed ball bearings on the end of the axle with an oil seal located inside the axle tube behind the sealed bearings. They have a bolt-in design and do not use c-clips to stay in place (Rolling).The rear axle has a removable carrier. The pinion is mounted by two tapered roller bearings that are preloaded by a collapsible spacer. The pinion depth is set using a shim between the pinion head and the rear pinion bearing. Two tapered roller bearings also supp ort the differential itself. These are preloaded and the differential backlash is set using two threaded sleeves between the bearings and pedestals. This preloaded should be set using inch pounds, and should be 8-12 in/lbs. Using used bearings, or 24-32 in/lbs. Using new ones.The side gears and pinions mounted in the differential are held in place by a lock screw and are backed with thrust washers. Backlash for the pinion to ring gear must be set between 0. 005-0. 009†³, and variation over the entire ring gear backlash must not exceed 0. 002†³. Pinion depth is achieved using cast iron production shims and vary from 0. 210-0. 272†³ in increments of 0. 002†³. Pinions depth will be marked on the pinion gear face. Once proper depth is achieved, the front pinion nut should have been marked before disassembly, then tightened to 1/16†³ past the mark made before.The axles should be bolted into place and have no more than 0. 020†³ end play. If more end play is p resent, the sealed roller bearings should be replaced. The differential should be filled to within 3/8†³ of the filler hole, or roughly around 4 h Pits. Of S. A. E. 90 GAL.-5 Gear lubricant. Parts for this Cutlass are very readily available as it is a fairly common terrain as well as one that is fairly new as well. Many local parts stores such as Scarcest, Nap, or Advance Auto Parts would carry much of what any restoration would ask for.For those hard to find parts, many salvage yards such as CT Auto Ranch out of Denton TX has many salvaged cutlass' in stock and parts ready to ship. Other resources may include magazines and blobs such as Hemming Motor News, or Olds Club of America. Naturally, many internet sources exist as well such as Rocket. Com, Illiterateness. Com, Summit Racing, or even Pops. Com. Anything related to the transmission can be found quite easily as it is one of the most common transmissions out there. The detersives yoke however, may be a different story as i t is a strange set up with the double rear yoke.If one is not available at a salvage yard, there are many companies around who make custom drive shafts such as Anta's, or Dyne's Detersives companies. Technical information is also available quite easily and quickly for this car and Just about anything on it. To start is the Olds Club of America. This club is dedicated to Oldsmobile only and has connections to people who have the answers, they have classified ads, and even Judging guidelines. Another very good source for information MI, the center has many original service manuals, brochures, and catalogues available in person, or on their website.Any original manual is a great place to start. The â€Å"Motor's Automatic Transmission Manual† is a 740 page volume that includes 240 pages of oil circuit diagrams of which the majority are in color. This book is mentioned in one of my sources. Original pamphlets or brochures are a great source or technical information or selling poi nts of these cars and their components. If all else fails, many blobs and posts are out there on car geek sites to help those tech savvy restorers out there to find the information they need. The research of this paper really taught me a lot.The Olds Cutlass used to be Just a car parked in the back of the shed, and as I grew older it slowly began to mean more and more to me, however I have never taken the time to really look into it. It's one of those things that you see or walk by every day, but never step back and actually look at it. This paper gave me a new perspective on an old car, my father's old car. I was shocked with how much information is out there for the Cutlass, and not Just any cutlass, for whichever make or model you may have. Information, brochures, pictures, and clubs are fairly abundant for the Oldsmobile, which is something that I am definitely not used to.Naturally, I learned a lot about the car, all the options available, trim packages, and where to find this kind of information. I also learned a lot about automatic transmissions, which is something I have never looked at in depth before. It took a while to get my head wrapped around it all, but it makes sense now that it has had the time to sink in. It is amazing how much can go into such a small item, let alone an entire car. The amount of specifications, dimensions, tolerances, and other information is absolutely endless. At least for a car of this era.